
Monday 4 June 2012

Swirly doodles

For a while there I thought I would never post again.... the kids have been sick and I haven't been able to get near the computer. To warm back into it I thought I would write about a drawing/painting exercise that I stumbled across by accident. While the kids were painting with watercolours I painted a swirly doodle (above), Cakey liked it and wanted to do one too.

Watercolour swirl by Cakey
I grabbed a black pen and went crazy with a free flowing swirl which took less than 10 seconds, she then spent the next 15 minutes painting it. I have used this technique over and over again – sometimes with watercolour paint and sometimes with crayon or markers.

Oil pastel swirl by Cakey

Oil pastel swirl by Boo

Cakey loves to draw and she also loves to colour in. If your child likes colouring sheets feel free to download my flowers and rainbows sheet. I also download colouring sheets from made by joel when Cakey is in the mood to colour in.

If this is your first visit to at home with Ali – welcome. If you like it, you can follow along through our facebook page or subscribe via email or RSS. Cheers Ali

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  1. Wonderful I remember making those swirl pictures as a child - sometimes it's the quickest and simiplest things that make the best

  2. I really like this, Ali - so simple, but it makes for cool art.

  3. I used to do this all the time when I was little. I totally forgot about it, though. Thanks for the reminder to try it with my kids!

  4. Firstly, so pleased that you are posting.. sounds like you have had a rough ride recently!!

    And I LOVE LOVE LOVE your art. I remember doing this for HOURS as a child. Thank you for reminding me about them. Great to get your kids interested and excited. The final artwork looks fabulous.

    Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


    1. Thank you. Pleasure to link up, I love Kids Get Crafty linky.

  5. Glad you're back Ali :). I love the swirly doodles. Will have to do this with my kiddos. So glad you shared it at the Weekly Kid's Co-op. I will feature this post as part of my roundup of this week's linky party and also pin a picture from your post onto our Weekly Kids' Co-op interest board :). Thanks for the inspiration. xoxo Pauline

  6. I love it when these great "accidents" happen!

  7. Fab! 10 seconds and they're off! Love it!
