
Tuesday 22 May 2012

Doctor charts for imaginary play

Some of you already know that I struggle with imaginary play.... but I do like to make things for imaginary play. I take those things to my mothers' group so Cakey can enjoy imaginary play with her friends and their mothers.... who are all so much better at it than me.

I made some doctor charts that were inspired by Inner Child Fun's miniature doll clipboards. It was so simple. I cut up small pieces of cardboard for the base of the chart. I then secured loose pieces of paper to the cardboard charts with a bull dog (or binder) clip. I printed out some little body outlines so the children could mark down the location of their patient's injuries. You can download the body outlines as a pdf file here.

The kids loved this activity and played doctors until morning tea time. There were some seriously sick patients at the hospital clinic as you can see by some of the charts.

Join me here on Thursday for the start of BIG and LITTLE with A Mom with a Lesson Plan. If this is your first visit to at home with Ali – welcome. If you like it, you can follow along through our facebook page or subscribe via email or RSS. Cheers Ali

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  1. I love any ideas that through in some literacy and writing with play. I also think your clipboards jump start the children's imagination. If you need more printables you can download a freebie from my book - Pretend Play Pages Doctor and Hospital emergency form or get the complete download Pretend Play Pages Doctor and Hospital

    1. Thanks for letting me know about your resources.

  2. We love playing doctor! I love the clipboards made out of cardboard. I have been wanting to make a doctor chart forever so you have given me some good ideas!

    1. oooh I would love to see your doctor ideas.

  3. My 2.5 year old is going to love this!! So simple and fun.

  4. I will have to try this. I love that you have a free printable too.

    1. I hope the printable downloaded easily for you.

  5. LOVE the clipboards Ali!!! Great ideas for imaginary Doctor play :)

    1. I never would have thought of it if I hadn't seen Valerie's tiny doll clipboards.

  6. Super idea! I bet the kids had a great time! Although, my daughter would have probably accessorized her doctor chart with a boa and a tutu. :)

    1. That sounds very fancy.... and pretty cool.

  7. This is a FABULOUS idea for doctor play! So great!! :)

  8. What a fun addition to doctor play!! And so easy to set up too!

  9. Oh, how fun!! My daughter loves playing doctor. I will have to print some out for her.

    1. I couldn't believe how long the kids played with them.

  10. how fun! thanks to Doc McStuffins, my son has started being interested in this type of thing! looks like your kiddos are already there! thanks for linking this up!

    1. Yes this sort of play is happening more and more, thankfully we have a great playgroup so Cakey can pretend play with friends of her own age.

  11. this is brilliant. my son loves playing doctors and makes nearly everything into a stethoscope and has recently discovered that toilet paper makes good bandages (groan!). This would be a fab addition.

    1. haha- toilet paper bandages... it's a wonder (and a blessing!) that my daughter hasn't thought of that yet lol

  12. pssst, just letting you know i've featured this activity over on my blog in this weeks Kid's co-op :) (it'll be up in the next 24 hours) You're welcome to grab a featured button if you like :)

  13. Thanks so much for this printable--what a good form to use with pre-readers! I can't wait to introduce it to my group of mini doctors this afternoon.

  14. I can't wait for my kids to get a hold of these.... Thank you for sharing.


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