
Monday 23 April 2012

Party hats to Princess hats

Recently, we had some time to kill before we were due at our mothers' group* play-date. Due to my poor housekeeping, there were some leftover party hats and streamers hanging around that had not been put away after Cakey's birthday party. So we decided to join the two together and turn the party hats into princess hats.

This could not be any easier. Select three streamers, twist them together and tape them to the top of the party hat - ta dah - princess hat. If you have the time and want to make it neater, you could insert the streamers into the hole at the top of the hat and secure with tape on the inside.

We didn't stop at two, they were so easy that Cakey and I made one for every kid at mothers' group... making 8 in total. Cakey really enjoyed handing them out to her friends. The hats got used in imaginary play for the rest of the week.

* My mothers' group rocks... I could not get by without them.

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Linked to The Sunday Showcase, TGIF and Kids Get Crafty


  1. Replies
    1. quick, easy and the girls were thrilled - great combo!!

  2. I love these! They certainly look easy to make, but also incredibly cute! I'm so glad you thought of doing this. You're so very creative. I want one for me! Oh, and I think I could so totally rationalize it.

    1. You would look great in a princess hat!! I got to wear one for most of the day too :)

  3. What a fun and easy idea! This would be perfect for a princess birthday party!! (or pretend time anytime!)

  4. This is brilliant. Such a simple idea. My girls would love this. I wish I had thought of it for my daughter's princess party last year.

  5. What a cute, fun idea. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I haven't entered any of the princes stuff yet with my daughter- I'm sure we'll be making fun hats and whatnot too :)
    Thanks for linking to Kids Get Crafty! ~Alissa and Maggy


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