
Thursday 4 August 2011

Mobile creations

I have tried to make a hanging mobile with Cakey a number of times. I think tying bits and pieces to sticks and wires sounds like fun but she doesn't. These activities always end up with her wandering off saying 'you do it mummy'. Anyway she was busy ripping and trying to cut up bits of purple paper. Aha here is my chance... I said 'let's make a mobile'. 'Yes mummy, I want to make a mobile'. I whipped out my wool and stick and started to tie her purple paper shapes to it. 'No mummy not a mobile, a mobile phone' she said. Silly me!

Luckily, I have a small cupboard where I throw in useful looking boxes and various bits and pieces. I ratted through the cupboard quickly and found the lid off a ferrero rocher chocolate box – bingo! Cakey was pleased, she decided it was a video phone so we found a photo of Boo which I cut up and she stuck down. She also enjoyed sticky taping down her pieces of purple paper and drawing buttons on the flap I attached to the lid for her. The coolest thing about this activity was that she carried this phone around with her for the next 2 days, pulling it out and taking calls. She actually has my old mobile phone but it has never seen that kind of action.

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